Data Management & Data Governance

Control your data with Data Management and Data Governance for greater operational efficiency and to cover regulatory risks.

If there is anything that characterizes today's successful companies, it is their levels of understanding, control and quality, but also use of their data.

Understanding your data and having it available within a quality data base are the key factors of this excellence. Two domains allow us to respond to these two axes: Data Management and Data Governance.

On the one hand, Data Management responds to the IT challenges of structuring and controlling data so that it is accessible, reliable and unique for all data-consuming processes (Sales, Purchasing, Marketing, Digital, Analytics, etc.).

Not all data stored or passing through the company's information system is of equal importance. Master Data Management (MDM) is concerned with "reference data" (Customer, Product, Employee, Structure, ...), for which quality is essential, as it is the most transverse to all the company's processes (Marketing, Sales, Supply, Manufacturing, Finance, ...).

It is important to note that Data Management covers the entire life cycle of a data asset, from the initial creation of the data to its physical or logical deletion.

On the other hand, Data Governance addresses business and data strategy issues. The challenges of data governance are to determine and prioritize operational contributions, in terms of sales and profitability, as well as regulatory risks in relation to a given level of data quality.

Data Governance is a quality control framework for managing, leveraging, optimizing, evaluating, protecting, controlling, and maintaining enterprise data. Its benefits lie in increasing the value of data, decreasing costs, increasing company revenues, standardizing data policies and procedures, and ensuring regulatory and compliance procedures.

Micropole supports you in these two approaches in different ways:

  • Data Assessment and Data Acculturation,
  • Support on the strategy and organization of data management,
  • Framing of data governance projects,
  • Implementation of data repositories (MDM/PIM),
  • Deployment of Data Quality solutions,
  • Support for change.

Our DAMA certified experts can also advise you on benchmarking and solution selection due to their knowledge of the main solutions on the market.

For more than fifteen years, we have capitalized within our consulting and project teams, a set of approaches and methods that allow us to accompany our clients from the definition to the implementation of their governance project.

Data maturity diagnosis

Data Strategy

Improvement of data quality

Compliance and respect of regulations

How do you meet data compliance regulations?

If the strategic dimension of data in today's economy no longer needs to be demonstrated, it has been the subject of significant and continuous standardization work over the last few years, at national, European and even international levels.

These standards, laws, regulations or directives are imposed on companies that must quickly comply on a legal and organizational level, but must also and above all develop their information systems accordingly.

Data protection and security (RGPD, DSP2, NIS2, etc.), the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, CSR (CSRD, Agec Law, etc.) or even regulatory reporting (Basel III, Solvency 2, MiFID2) are all challenges that require, more than ever, strong collaboration between the legal/compliance teams and the Data/IT teams. Helping you build this strategic bridge between these departments is precisely the role of Micropole's Data Compliance teams.

Our belief


Our interventions

Awareness raising, training & change management
Compliance diagnosis, systems audit and remediation plan
Framing & implementation of the sites
Methodology Privacy by Design & PIAs
Data protection officer as a Service

Use case

Data Management and Data Governance are two complementary and essential approaches to ensure the successful and value-adding use of enterprise data. Both approaches allow to control and maximize the use of data bases, so that the company can get the maximum business value from them.

- Pascal Anthoine
Senior Partner Data Governance Micropole Group

Our role is to make data intelligent and intelligible so that it can be democratised by the business lines.

Micropole Data Cloud and Digital Transformation consultancy