Banking & Insurance

of consumers want to interact with their insurance through digital channels

Source : Infostat Marketing

of bank branches have closed in ten years

Source : Infostat Marketing

Traditionally, the banking and insurance industries have operated with conquest strategies, but today, faced with increasingly volatile customers, it is necessary to focus on loyalty and to focus its strategy on customer relations. Especially since InsuranceTech, FinTech, RegTech break the codes and propose digital, customized offers.

Moreover, due to the nature and quantity of the data they collect, institutions are facing increasingly frequent and devastating cyber attacks. It is crucial for everyone to have up-to-date and efficient cybersecurity responses to protect their customers' sensitive data. Banks are also being challenged in terms of regulations, payment methods, traceability, bitcoin, blockchain, .... Technological acceleration is a godsend, as long as it is not at the expense of trust in institutions.

Physical banking is dead, long live digital banking!

Remote banking has become the norm and the banking model is omnichannel. 9% of bank branches have disappeared in ten years (Infostat Marketing). In order to reinvent their customer relations, banks can act on their organization and improve their processes in order to meet customers' needs for immediacy and speed in a constant need for performance. The lever of process automation allows, among other things, to facilitate credit decisions, generate alert messages or simplify controls, for example. To face these profound changes, the Banking and Insurance industries must work in a more agile and innovative way to remain competitive.

Securing a digital future

In the insurance industry, AI and Big Data play a major role: they enable performance optimization, risk measurement and customer service improvement. For insurers who collect a large amount of data, the challenge is to better exploit and organize it for a simplified, complete and meaningful analysis. New business models are emerging through startups, more agile, more digital and more innovative, which insurance companies must compensate for and surpass, both in terms of services to replicate and performance to generate. Adapting faster, evaluating more, predicting risks better to optimize margin calculations is becoming essential.

Use cases

  • Cloud Acceleration
  • Cloud migration
  • Security

The banking sector and cybersecurity

See The Reference
  • Cloud Acceleration
  • Data Driven
  • Data Platform

Big data challenges met

  • Cloud Acceleration
  • Data Driven
  • Cloud migration

Gras Savoye takes up the challenge of the cloud

They trust us

BNP PARIBAS Case Study - Micropole Data Cloud Digital consultancy
NATIXIS Case Study - Micropole Data Cloud Digital Consultancy
MMA Case Study - Micropole  Data Cloud Digital Consultancy
SOCIETE GENERALE Customer Case Study - Micropole Data Cloud Consultancy
MACIF Case Study - Micropole  Data Cloud Digital consultancy
MGEN Case Study - Micropole  Data Cloud Digital consultancy
GROUPE BPCE Case Study - Micropole Data Cloud Digital Consultancy
BPI Case Study - Micropole Data Cloud Digital Consultancy
CREDIT AGRICOLE Client case study - Micropole  Data Cloud Digital Consultancy
CREDIT AGRICOLE Client case study - Micropole  Data Cloud Digital Consultancy
CREDIT MUTUEL Case study - Micropole Data Cloud Digital Consultancy
FLOA Bank Case Study - Micropole  Data Cloud Digital consultancy
GENERALI Case Study - Micropole Data Cloud Digital Consultancy
GROUPAMA Case Study - Micropole Data Cloud Digital Consultancy

We support banking and insurance companies in their data and digital transformation.