
Laying the data foundation to support the cloud strategy

Moving to the cloud is more than just a technological evolution, it is a new mindset, a new way of thinking about business and organisation

The Cloud is a great vector for innovation and optimisation, but it must be implemented with pragmatism and diligence, and not by trying to put everything in it, right away.

Sound advice will recommend starting the migration with workloads that are not business critical or that are easy to move. For the most complex work or work that is business sensitive, end-to-end support may be appropriate. In other respects, consider rewriting some applications to redistribute workloads and take advantage of managed services or serverless capabilities.

It is obvious that this goes beyond a simple technological evolution, it is a new state of mind, new ways of thinking about activities, business processes and organisation. It implies new ways of steering, monitoring and managing risks.

Too many managers see migration to the cloud as a necessary step from a proprietary IS to a more efficient infrastructure. This is a mistake, because although the question of budgets is no longer an obstacle, this migration requires rethinking the design and distribution of workloads in the cloud upstream. Let's be clear: at a limited scope, the cloud offers few savings over an "on prem" environment, even if the service level is improved.

The benefits of the cloud should be seen in terms of the ability to respond quickly and effectively to business needs, rather than in terms of infrastructure: to  the possible pooling of resources and to economies of scale, the first factors in ROI :to the retention of talent more than on the payroll.

Identifying and implementing the Cloud approach according to specificities and business objectives is becoming a decisive issue.
While hybrid and multi-cloud platforms are becoming the norm, due to a reasoned choice where the desire not to depend on a single provider is paramount, the choice of a Cloud at the level of a specific application or service depends on many factors that each company must determine.

#Improvement in customer experience

#New impetus for bigdata and data science

#Ability to sustain change

The cloud as a lever for data, provided that a new approach is adopted: data-driven

Adopting a data-driven approach implies rethinking use cases, modernizing not only the applications, but also the data architecture that will enable data to be collected, integrated and processed to create value.

With the explosion of data sources, both public and private, and the lowering of the technological threshold offered by the Cloud to store and exploit them, new opportunities are opening up for companies to improve customer relations, control and optimize their business processes and reduce their operating costs.

It is therefore necessary to be well advised and accompanied to identify the integration models adapted to your company's context.

Clearly, the implementation of a cloud strategy, regardless of the provider, the scale of the migration or the maturity of the enterprise, brings real challenges including - last but not least - the implementation of an ad-hoc security and compliance policy.

Our conviction and the way we work is to propose hybrid and transversal teams, which address in a coordinated and therefore coherent way the strategic, organizational, technological and financial aspects.

Use cases

Technology partners

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