
Microsoft Inspire: a look back at the Accessibility Conference

One of the strong themes of this Microsoft Inspire 2021 was probably the conference "Accessibility: what opportunities for Microsoft partners?

A real societal issue and a key one at the heart of the digital transformation of companies (it should be noted that today more than 1 billion people live with a disability), Microsoft is committed to implementing new functionalities on its solutions and developing new offers with its partners in order to improve digital accessibility and enable better integration of people with disabilities.

Among the actions carried out by Microsoft over the last 12 months, we can count a significant number of webinars and events focussed around accessibility, in particular VivaTech, Rallye du Cœur or Explore IA; but also a strong investment in the IA School part.

With its ecosystem of partners, they work jointly on different types of disability (sight, mobility, etc.) and on the learning aspect.

Today, digital accessibility is about usage; how we can make the workspace accessible to all and create a better digital experience for all users. It is a key issue, from a regulatory point of view, for example in France the delegated sector of the public sector whose companies generate more than 250 million in turnover must make their digital interface accessible. There is a citizenship imperative but also a business notion because working on the accessibility of one's site allows one to reach a new audience. Inclusion is a major issue in recent years and in the years to come, as we cannot leave out a part of the population. When we use tools, the important thing is that we can all work together.

Digital accessibility must therefore be achieved, supported by all and for all. In order to follow this process, Microsoft advises obtention of  the Accessibilty in Action badge and lastly, participation in the Ability Summit event which will take place during 2022, where we will be able to attend conferences on accessibility.

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