
Launch of Hi'Tech Luxury, a digital innovation program, and publication of the book by Marion Scala, program manager.

New technologies and innovative customer experiences

Levallois-Perret, September 14, 2023. Micropole, an international consulting group specializing in business transformation through Data, is proud to announce the publication of the first book by Marion Scala, Head of Hi'Tech Luxury at Micropole, entitled " Digital innovation at the service of your brand ". The book offers a unique perspective on digital innovation, highlighting the importance of user experience and exploring the role of the digital innovation consultant for brands. At the same time, the launch of Micropole's Hi'Tech Luxury program demonstrates the Group's commitment to exceeding customer expectations and driving innovation in the Luxury and Beauty sectors.

What is digital innovation? How can we accelerate the adoption of disruptive technologies within a brand ecosystem? With this book, Marion Scala offers a practical methodology to help companies stand out from their competitors and improve the customer experience. She proposes a unique approach to understanding the new professions of digital innovation. Its method, known as the "3-image mission", offers a simple and effective roadmap. It helps in-house teams to develop their intuition, prepare for digital transformation and ensure that employees, customers and retailers feel confident and well supported in their innovation process.
With, at the heart of this book, a conviction: the underestimated association between technology and creativity that can work harmoniously together to serve brands.

"In this book, which blends innovation and creativity, I present my profession through my various experiences and encourage the construction of a singular career path in the field of Digital Innovation. Since the beginning of my career, I have been driven by a deep conviction, which I wanted to pass on through the publication of this book: technology, while important, should never be an end in itself, but rather a means to create meaningful experiences, the true essence of technology residing in its ability to serve the experience".

Micropole revolutionizes customer experience with emotional data

The launch of the Hi'Tech Luxury program testifies to Micropole's ongoing commitment to pushing back the boundaries of innovation and creating unique experiences in the Luxury and Beauty worlds. This new program, dedicated to supporting brands in their digital transition, is built around three key pillars:
1. a team of consultants with expertise in digital innovation (AI Generative, Web3, Digital Instore...)
2. a start-up gas pedal: Micropole adopts a selective approach, choosing around ten start-ups each year, to whom the Group offers the opportunity to meet with customers to activate technological innovation in support of their transformation and challenges.
3. and an internal laboratory: Micropole identifies technologies from sectors far removed from the world of Luxury and Beauty, and makes them its own by partially or totally rethinking their use, as in the case of the neural helmet. The group has prototyped an application and developed a formula linked to well-being and mindfulness, a revolutionary experience that visualizes a person's emotions when one of their senses is stimulated.

"This Hi'Tech Luxury program is fully in line with Micropole's DNA, which places innovation and data at the heart of its values. By exploring the untapped potential of emotional data, in particular with the neural helmet revolution, Micropole is positioning itself as a forerunner and pioneer of innovation and unique customer experiences, reinventing the standards of the Luxury and Beauty worlds."

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