
Adoption, the 1st success factor for a Data project

Today, every company has to collect, manage and exploit its data, and there are countless data-driven projects, most of which are transforming organizations.

Indeed, the integration of new data practices or solutions has a direct impact on business lines (HR, finance, marketing or supply chain), and the adoption of these new practices or solutions is an essential factor in the success of a Data project. The best technical solution is of no value if it is not adopted and used.

The implementation of a new technology or process can be a source of fear and reluctance on the part of future users, so support is essential. The main risk is that the solution will not be used. The main risk is that the solution will not be used - a risk that is not without consequences, as the company's Data strategy will be called into question, leaving it behind its competitors and losing considerable sums of money.

Switching from an old process to a new one, familiarizing ourselves with new tools, and making our professions aware of what these new features will bring to their day-to-day work is not something that can be done overnight. We need to go through a series of stages that are in line with the Data maturity of the company and its professions.

There are 3 stages:

Stage 1: audit / scoping

The first step is to assess the Data maturity of the company and its departments. Understand the current use of Data by the various stakeholders and future users of the solution.
To do this, it is necessary to map out the stakeholders and let them express their reticence and main concerns. This dialogue is essential to get the project off the ground.

Stage 2: proposal of a co-constructed action plan

Secondly, you need to adapt to the customer's needs and offer personalized support: training, hackathons, hands-on training to get your teams on board. It's also essential to find in-house sponsors who will act as spokespeople for the project, and on whom we can rely to set up a community and appropriate communication around Data.

Stage 3: Regular project monitoring

Any Data solution is bound to evolve in line with business needs, corporate objectives and technologies. The challenges of a Data project also include providing support for skills upgrading, to encourage business autonomy once the solution has been implemented.

With this approach, we return data to the business, making it accessible to the people who handle it on a day-to-day basis, and who are at the origin of it. The aim is to help companies evolve in their understanding of Data, to facilitate change, and to get customers on board in the appropriation of their data.

Sabine Oberlé-Payet

Senior Manager Data Experience - Micropole

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